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Metro Broadway The Centro terletak di Jl. Pantai Indah Utara II, Pantai Indah Kapuk,Jakarta Utara, 11460. Telp. (021) 588 1800 Salah satu Proyek Perusahaan Kami yang terkenal adalah Pusat Grosir Metro Tanah Abang. Selain menyewakan Kantor Exclusive/Ruko, di The Centro kita juga melayani penyewaan Hall untuk berbagai acara seperti Gathering, Birthday Party, Prom Nite, Wedding dan berbagai acara lainnya.

Senin, 15 Juni 2020

The Centro Club House - Tempat terbaik Untuk Merayakan Moment Special Anda

Sebagai penyedia jasa penyewaan tempat acara, kami sadar bahwa servis terbaik hanya dapat diberikan bila fasilitas yang tersedia amat mendukung untuk terciptanya acara yang berkesan.

Dengan tersedianya 2 venue acara (Lobby Hall + Plaza, Swimming Pool), dilengkapi dengan basement parking yang luas, security 24 jam, serta penyewaan ruangan selama 3 jam, kami yakin acara Anda akan berlangsung sesuai dengan yang Anda harapkan.

Nah, berikut ini adalah 3 venue area yang bisa dipilih :

1. Hall 1 (Lobby) 

Area ini terletak di Lobby Centro Clubhouse, tepat di tengah-tengah Metro Broadway PIk. Disini, Anda bisa memilih untuk penggunaan ruang hanya indoor saja atau bisa juga ditambah dengan area outdoor (plaza). Dengan kapasitas kurang lebih 400 orang (standing) dan interior ruangan yang mewah, menjadikan acara Anda lebih berkesan dan tak terlupakan. 

Selasa, 05 Juni 2012

KEIKO Boutique Exhibition : 5 - 6 June 2012

Good morning ladies and gentleman! How do you do today.? It has been rainy since last night, but hopefully you guys all didn't get wet =D! As heavy as those rain, today we're having a heavy fashion boutique exhibition, developed by KEIKO Boutique. It's all new arrival items from the latest fashion trend all over Asia, and you guys surely don't wanna miss it.!!

Check out the exhibition at our VIP room below :

KEIKO Boutique itself is a well developed store at ITC Mangga Dua, Jakarta. This boutique was operated since 2007 and prioritizing ladies as its main customer. The product offered from KEIKO is a well chosen product, determined from the quality of its material, also the trend that introduced and/or is growing in Asia's country of Fashion, such as China and Hongkong. That's what makes KEIKO boutique still productive and growing each year until now.

Customers are coming from every region of Jakarta, and it's still peak until this noon @Metro Broadway's VIP Room. Let me guess the reasons for you, first it's because KEIKO Boutique always maintain its product quality which relevant to customer's loyalty, and based on its location, Metro Broadway itself is easy to be accessed and soon will become a growing place for business centre in North Jakarta! =D

So what are you waiting for..?
Get the keys, Bring your purse, and Spoil yourself! Cause you deserve it ladies~